The PS3 and XBox 360 from |
According to the US Today article "Social media, mobile devices help video games grow", the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 have added functionality to their consoles. For example you can stream Netflix videos over the internet. Both the PlayStation and XBox have added new motion controllers to the systems. The PlayStation introduced the PlayStation Move and XBox introduced the Kinect. Both of these additions have helped to increase user interactivity in these two consoles.
Alan Miller, the co-founder of Activision, had this to say about the video game industry;
is undergoing its greatest rate of change in the last 25 years, fundamentally generated by this transition from retail distribution to electronic distribution.
Last year Activision released a map pack for the very popular Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. The map pack sold for $15 and gave players 5 new maps for online game play. In 2010 Activision made $1.5 billion in revenue from the map packs and digital sales of World of Warcraft. Even though Activision is made a lot of money from down-loadable content they have had to cut ties with some games, Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk, two big name games.
This video explains everything about the new map pack for Call of Duty Black Ops.
According to EA CEO John Riccitiello,
I don't think it replaces console gaming, he says. Big blockbusters are still part of the movie industry. At the same time, you can watch a cat video on YouTube. I guarantee you, a decade from now, there will be blockbuster games, and there will be our equivalent of cat videos. We are going to run the full spectrum. The more interesting thing is that all games are social from this point.I believe that video game consoles will be around for a long time. I think that down-loadable content makes video games much better. I play Call of Duty online and just recently bought the map pack that Activison came out with and the new maps make the game more fun and keep the game changing. The addition of down-loadable content is great for video game companies because it is a great way for these companies to take advantage of a very digital move in technology in general, video games included.